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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone! 

It’s been a little bit. For those of you that are wondering, Georgia is so good. Over the past month, the Lord has been growing me ways i never thought possible. I thought I would tell you a little story about what the Lord has been speaking over me lately. 

Last week, the women of my squad had the opportunity to attend a women’s retreat called Beauty for Ashes. We are split into teams and are prompted with questions to ask the Lord. They give us a moment of quiet to talk to him and draw what he is telling us. As crazy as it may sound, it was so beautiful and we all were deeply affected by it. Betty (the leader of our retreat) prompted us to ask the Lord to highlight what lie we are believing about ourselves and to show us the truth. 

The lie he highlighted for me was that I thought I was an orphan, which didn’t make a lot of sense to me at first. But I quickly realized it didn’t mean I was parentless but that I wasn’t letting my Heavenly Father take care of me. I wasn’t letting him be my father. And all he wants is for me to sit at his feet and be his daughter. 

Earlier in the week, while I was praying during quiet time I was given this image of me running through a field with a flower crown on my head. I wasn’t really sure what that meant but I really wanted to learn. A few days later, I had my one on one with my Sweet Team Leader, ELLIE! At the end she was praying over me and asked the Lord to show an image of how he sees me. She saw him placing a flower crown on my head and calling me daughter. 

I was amazed by what the Lord was trying to speak to me through the flower crown. What I have learned from that image is that he is asking me to let him be my dad. 

He loves me so deeply that he wants to care for me. He calls me his beloved daughter and tells me I am heard, seen and beloved. And he says the same of you. 

For me that flower crown will always hold significance because of its gentle reminder of what the Lord says of me. I invite you to ask the Lord what lies you are believing and what he actually says because I promise it’s more than worth it.