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We say it all the time, I am just too busy. But truly do we have to be? 

Right now I am in a season where I am super busy and there is a lot of chaos around me. I am a senior in high school preparing to leave the country for nine months. There is a lot of preparation to be done and it is so easy to get lost in all the to-dos.

For almost everyone, busyness causes stress and no time to truly rest in your week. But I am here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be that way, Jesus doesn’t want it to be that way. 

In Psalm 23:1-2 it says, ” The Lord is my sheperd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters.” It doesn’t say he makes me sprint through the fields and throws me into the rapids. There is nothing chaotic or fearful about this image. It is only peaceful and this verse constantly reminds me of the rest I can find when I lean into Jesus. 

With the Holiday season coming up quickly, its easy to get sucked up into the busyness. But I encourage you, don’t let the chaos take away your rest. Set aside time to read your bible, sit and watch the sunset, drink a cozy drink or even just talk to God. I promise you that little moment of peace is so worth all of the busy. 

Thanks everyone for reading my little story of today! i will be praying for all of you and I just ask that you all support me in prayer as I continue this Journey!

Also, If you haven’t heard already i will be traveling to:

  • Eswatini 
  • Ethiopia 
  • Cambodia

With a group of amazing people! 

If you are feeling led, I would love for you to support me in whatever way you can, every little bit helps!


Thank you so much! 
