
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


I hope this blog finds you in good health and happiness! I know that this world is going through lots of uncertainty and chaos with the corona pandemic. But the Lord set a message on my heart to share with you all. My hope in sharing is that it cures your boredom for a bit and teaches you something new about our GOOD father!

Today my family decided to get out of the house for a little bit and get some fresh air. We ended up going to a local park to explore and hike. It was nice to get away from the noise for a little while and out into the place where i feel God the most. After we had walked around for a while we walked down to the water and looked for treasures and creatures. My mom ended up finding a really big turtle. He was hiding under the water but it kept us captivated for a while. We kept trying to get a better view of the interesting animal. 

After a while of trying to get its attention, we walked away but planned on coming back to check on it before we left. We walked over to a creek bed for a little while and did some exploring there. On our way back to the car, we stopped back where the turtle was. But this time, it wasn’t the turtle I noticed. He was still there but what begged for my attention was way bigger than that. It was the view, the emptiness of the water, the barren trees, the birds chirping and the cloudy sky. I missed this extraordinarily beautiful thing because i was so focused on seeing what I thought was beautiful. 

All this to say, Jesus spoke into my heart today about what that means for me. Especially right now, disapointments and darkness seems to surround every one of us. Its not just affecting you but everyone around you. We are so focused on what we think is meant for us, this beautiful captivating thing that we want. Whether its graduation, going on this gap year, whatever my plans are is what i am focused on and worried about. And to be honest those plans are so simple compared to what God has for me. 

Today at the park, that turtle represented what was fleetingly beautiful to me,  it caught my attention and captivated me long enough to distract me from what God held right in front of my eyes. 

The truth is we all are facing disapointment. All the plans that we have made are quickly disapearing and being greatly affected. But what we are missing is that God has a plan for you and me, and though it may be hard to believe, its so much more beautiful, exciting and so much better than anything we ever had in mind. 

Through this uncertainty, I choose to believe that my God has it all under control and I hope you do too!



  1. Beautiful, Thank you for reminding me that my place to connect with God is nature also!

  2. Thank you Delaney for reminding us to slow down! I think during these crazy times, God is wanting us to slow down and connect with him so that we are reminded that He is in control!
    Take care! ??

  3. You have a wise soul, Delaney! The gift of perspective is such a blessing, and that is what you felt today. Keeping looking for the bright spots, and I will, too.